So I took a little road trip today after getting more work done on my truck. And this is what I saw. What do you see?
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To me it looks like raindrops on sand…
Raindrops! I love the color of the sand there.
They were either very large drops or the sand was loose and dry. Did you get enough to wash your car?
Was this just the begining of the storm or all you got? 🙂
Gaelyn: I sure hope that your care wasn't leaking on the sand.
Looks like some sort of pockmarked sandstone to me…
Mars? Just kidding, I'll bet it smelled wonderful. 🙂
You are very good. It sprinkled on and off while I was at Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park in Utah. Will post more later.
Raindrops keep falling on my la la la la la la la la….
Oh raindrops……here I was thinking it was a close-up of a sundried tomato tortilla!
Raindrops on sand, or maybe fossilized something on sandstone?
It has to be some type of rock with little pits created from water. That's my guess.
Rain drops…looks like rain drops…so many rain drops…falling from my eyes!
(don't ask me where that came from!)
I see Mars, but you know I already have that on my mind. (Even though since I'm going backward I already know what it is.)
Rain Rain Rain!