Adolph unwrapped his football present
Adolph was the first dog in my life. He came home in my Dad’s suit pocket at six weeks old. Oh how he loved to play fetch. But he’d only bring the ball back in the house. Outside, forget it. Maybe too many other distractions. Adolph didn’t like water as a puppy yet once he finally tried swimming you couldn’t keep him out of the water. He went boat camping with my family and dug deep holes in the sandy beach. Although Adolph has passed over the rainbow, he lived a long rich life of play and still has a place in my heart.

Sally from the (Mis) Adventures of Karl and Sally has started a new meme, and this is #2, where the past is remembered by sharing old family photographs. I love the idea and hope you will too. So join the fun to Remember other Whensdays or join in by clicking here.
Adolph was the first dog in my life. He came home in my Dad’s suit pocket at six weeks old. Oh how he loved to play fetch. But he’d only bring the ball back in the house. Outside, forget it. Maybe too many other distractions. Adolph didn’t like water as a puppy yet once he finally tried swimming you couldn’t keep him out of the water. He went boat camping with my family and dug deep holes in the sandy beach. Although Adolph has passed over the rainbow, he lived a long rich life of play and still has a place in my heart.

Sally from the (Mis) Adventures of Karl and Sally has started a new meme, and this is #2, where the past is remembered by sharing old family photographs. I love the idea and hope you will too. So join the fun to Remember other Whensdays or join in by clicking here.
I had a dog like that too when I was a child and his name was Chips. 🙂 Another wonderful memory Gaelyn.
Why did You name your dog Adolph?
Adolph was a cute little guy. I like your euphanism, "passed over the rainbow." Dogs have played an important role in my life and in the lives of my children.
Oh that chair..
why does Adolph look like he is wrapped in plastic..or maybe it is just some shiny stuff around him front and in back…
Nice Meme
So Nice !! Beautiful Dogie !!
Awww, I love memories like this. All of my pets over the years will always have a special place in my heart. Thanks for playing along.
This is a really lovely meme. Beautiful memory!
Sweet! Love old photos and the stories that go with 'em. When my old dog died, ventured into the closet for a box of pics and stayed up 'til 3 a.m. remembering friends from high school, my daughters childhood, and why I fell in love with my wife…
pets are wonderful!
Have started a new meme Pet Pride where you can display your or your friends’ pets every week beginning every Sunday! Do join in and share your pet pride with the world!
Adolf oloks like he's having fun opening presents!
Awww–Adolph was so cute. It's funny how dogs have their quirks about fetching. When you have a dog for many years, (s)he never leaves your heart. My sweetie-dog was Pascal who lived 14 years. She would not fetch.
He was a cutie! My sis-in-law has a little girl just like him. Her name is Nova and she LOVES to chase her ball… and airplanes when they are in her yard!
Oh gosh, Adolph was sure a cutie! It sounds like you had many fun adventures and good memories of his life with your family.