Hand inlaid tray by Couroc of Monterey California
Going to town is dangerous for me. I tend to check out the thrift and antique shops and always seem to find something to buy. The above tray is for a friend in Yarnell who collects Couroc.
Grand Staircase Escalante
I stopped at LeFevre overlook on the way to Kanab for the great view.
Sterling silver & abalolne Horny Toad pin and pendant
Then had to look over what the Native American ladies had for sale. They set up to sell here to tourists. Usually it’s just low priced necklaces that are mass produced. Yet occasionally they have something unusual, like the horned lizard pin above.
On the way home I stopped in Fredonia. At the Animal Rescue Thrift Shop I bought a sterling silver chain for $1. Then went to the local Antique store and scored the sterling silver and turquoise cluster ring which is “old pawn” from the 1950s. A perfect fit.
Going to town is dangerous for me. I tend to check out the thrift and antique shops and always seem to find something to buy. The above tray is for a friend in Yarnell who collects Couroc.
Grand Staircase Escalante
I stopped at LeFevre overlook on the way to Kanab for the great view.
Sterling silver & abalolne Horny Toad pin and pendant
Then had to look over what the Native American ladies had for sale. They set up to sell here to tourists. Usually it’s just low priced necklaces that are mass produced. Yet occasionally they have something unusual, like the horned lizard pin above.
On the way home I stopped in Fredonia. At the Animal Rescue Thrift Shop I bought a sterling silver chain for $1. Then went to the local Antique store and scored the sterling silver and turquoise cluster ring which is “old pawn” from the 1950s. A perfect fit.
Gaelyn I left you an award on my blog
Pretty sweet Gaelyn; you have a good eye – love the necklace and the tray.
Superb piece of works. Yo have a nice taste. I liked the silver piece.
Great buys! I'm gonna have to go shopping with you sometime!
Great finds! That silver horny toad is irresistible with all those cute little details.
I just love your blog! I love back-road day exploring in AZ. You have more energy than I do- Hiking is limited for me-Thanks for the great pics!
I bought a beautiful turquoise ring on one of my trips there but I cannot find it unfortunately. That pendant is most unusual and lovely.
You did well on your shopping trip.
What a great haul. Love the ring.
ohhh..I am loving that horny toad!
What a very cool find!
I too love flea markets and second hand shops!
Well o- had to come look at the b
eautiful beauties Great stuff and the blog is so polished now – It's amazing how much you have learned — I'm so proud to call you my friend —- Love you gal
Ooh Gaelyn, I love your jewelry finds!