Tonight I did my first campfire program of the season. I am a little behind after being sick for over a week and it sure felt good to be back in my Ranger uniform.
Old Clay Man and Old Clay Woman brought clay to the People of the canyon. They were welcomed to the village and fed as was the custom. As Old Clay Woman worked the clay into a coiled pot Old Clay Man danced around her singing a clay song and the People of the village gathered around. The larger Old Clay Woman’s pot became the faster Old Clay Man danced and sang. When the pot was finished Old Clay Woman gave thanks to the sun for drying the clay. Old Clay Man now danced so fast he could barely be seen swinging his staff around him. Suddenly, Old Clay Man’s staff hit the pot and broke it into 1000 pieces. Old Clay Woman was angry and cursed him for his clumsiness chasing him around. But then, she stopped. And gathering pieces of the broken pot she gave each woman a piece of the broken pot telling them they should never forget this gift of making pottery sent to them by Spider Woman and pass along the skill to their daughters and granddaughters. This is how the story was told to me.
And I have clay, so we can play. Anyone who wants to can make a clay pot or anything to test their skills. I’ve never seen two finished pieces that look alike. Then the clay is recycled for the next campfire.Photos are all from last summer as I forgot to take a picture tonight.
Old Clay Man and Old Clay Woman brought clay to the People of the canyon. They were welcomed to the village and fed as was the custom. As Old Clay Woman worked the clay into a coiled pot Old Clay Man danced around her singing a clay song and the People of the village gathered around. The larger Old Clay Woman’s pot became the faster Old Clay Man danced and sang. When the pot was finished Old Clay Woman gave thanks to the sun for drying the clay. Old Clay Man now danced so fast he could barely be seen swinging his staff around him. Suddenly, Old Clay Man’s staff hit the pot and broke it into 1000 pieces. Old Clay Woman was angry and cursed him for his clumsiness chasing him around. But then, she stopped. And gathering pieces of the broken pot she gave each woman a piece of the broken pot telling them they should never forget this gift of making pottery sent to them by Spider Woman and pass along the skill to their daughters and granddaughters. This is how the story was told to me.
And I have clay, so we can play. Anyone who wants to can make a clay pot or anything to test their skills. I’ve never seen two finished pieces that look alike. Then the clay is recycled for the next campfire.Photos are all from last summer as I forgot to take a picture tonight.
What a fun thing to do, and some very creative pottery pieces!
I love these myths and ledgends of the local people and have many books on them which I have read over and over. It is such a pity that so many of these stories are being lost in time.
Look like everyone was having fun Gaelyn. 🙂 I am sure it is good to be back at work.
Thanks for visiting our blog. Glade that you are good enough to start your campfire program. When we visited Grand Canyon many years ago, it was cold and windy. It seems you had a nice weather (at least for last year). Like your story of the clay man and woman.
Lots of happy faces here! You must be good at campfire! I love that story.
what a fun program…i bet you enjoy doing it…love the story 🙂
have a great weekend.
hugs and good thoughts always
Sounds like a fun campfire program. I always enjoy the imaginative Native American stories for how things came to be. How appropriate for Spider Woman to pass along the pottery making skills.
Very cool Gaelyn…I want to make a clay pot!
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