Day three, and everything aches, head, neck, shoulders, back, all the way down to my toes.

Blame this MF
It’s already getting old and I could be in for several more days of this. Oh how it sucks!
I just want to be out in this beautiful place, working. Not in bed.
I sure hope no one else gets this. I will live it out, I hope.
Oh, I hope you get over this crud quickly!! It is definitely no fun being sick.
I am so sorry! Gus has been fighting something like this all week also. I had him come read this post and it made us both laugh and sympathize.
You poor thing – the flu sucks. It sucks the life out of you AND it just sucks period. Get well soon!
So sorry to hear you’re sick. When you’re in one of the world’s most beautiful places, spending days in bed must be especially difficult.
Hope you recover quickly.
That is one ugly bug. I so hope he doesn’t decide to cross the road. I also soooo hope you fell better soon.
I hope this isn’t THE flu. Hope you got yourself checked out. Get well soon!
Sorry you are sick, I am hoping for a speedy recovery for you.
Oh dear, that flu bug looks awful. Hope you feel better soon!
Poor, poor you!!! It is the worst feeling in this world. Get better soon. Hugs.
You poor thing, I knw its a swine f a thing. Hope you’re feeling better already. Wanting to be outside in that glorious lankscape is probably the best incentive for a speedy recovery.
It is all so “Grand” where you are!
OH Crap..I hope you arent sick for much longer…get better soon!
That’s a nasty looking but. Eeeww! I sure hope you feel better soon. I’d rather be out in that beautiful place too. Take care of you.
Just knowing that truly ugly bug has got at you is bad enough but to be ill in such a lovely place…Hope someone is mopping your brow. Get better soon you poor thing.
Oh No! I hope by now you are feeling better by now. It sounds awful and not a very pretty bug either.
Sorry to hear you’ve got a nasty bug! Feel better soon (liquids, rest and aspirin/ibuprofen/tylenol!)
Sending you some virtual soup and a hug.
Poor baby! Hope you’re back to your usual chipper self in no time! Being surrounded by nature like you are ought to make you feel better…
I hope you feel better very soon…I am visiting here…what a cool idea…I think I would like you life…not the flu…but your life! I love the grand canyon and hope to come back soon and hike down to the bottom…some day!