Now I’m going to tell on myself. I have a VERY difficult time backing up my 5th-wheel. In my mind I can back the darn thing right out of the driveway, but when I get behind the wheel there’s no sync. So therefore, every time I leave Yarnell I find someone to back it out for me. My usual guy was out of town, so I found someone else. He wouldn’t be available on Sunday morning when I wanted to leave so I suggested he back it out Saturday and then back it back in so I could spend the night and be ready to pull right out in the morning. OK.
I had everything ready and the truck hooked up when He arrived. I saw Him assessing the situation. I pointed out where the water and sewer are as I’ve seen that cause difficulties before. OK. He gets in my truck, backs up almost to the fence and makes a BIG U-turn, pulling right out of the drive and then back in. Me, I stood in the middle of that U and laughed till I cried. Why didn’t I think of that?
Red Butte near South Rim Grand Canyon
I left Yarnell Sun morning around 9:30 after hugs and goodbyes. I had to drive to the South Rim first to drop off the stuff I’d need there after the hike across this weekend.
San Francisco Peaks
On the way out of the park east I was within a few miles of Hwy 89 when I smelled hot rubber and the battery light went on. So I pulled over on the shoulder and shut it down. I’d blown a belt. No problem, I called Good Sam on my prepaid tracfone at 3:30pm. Then I waited on hold for 30 of my remaining 60 minutes before telling Marie where I was, what I’m driving and towing and recommending Flagstaff as the nearest city, even though I’d wanted to camp in Cameron. She’ll call me back. Two hours later, I call Berta and ask her to call Them back due to my limited minutes. Over an hour later they call to say someone is on the way from Flagstaff to tow me to Cameron, where there are no repair shops, and then in the morning I can have the truck towed to Flagstaff. Pretty stupid huh?
Two and a half hours later Johnsons Heavy Towing arrives and we decide I’m going to Flagstaff. Good Sam told him I was on Hwy 64 east of Tuba City headed to Cameron. That doesn’t even exist. By the time he unhooked me in the JC Penny parking lot, less than a block from repairs, it’s midnight and too late for photos.
At 8am I’m waiting for FlagRV to open. And by 12:30 I was on the road again, granted a little poorer because the alternator was replaced also.
Painted Desert
From there a beautiful drive, once again through the Painted Desert, past Vermillion Cliffs and up onto the Kaibab Plateau. Back to my wonderful space under the Ponderosa Pines at the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.
State Route 67 through the meadows
And tonight I got lucky and connected to my neighbors WIFI.
Park entrance
Tomorrow I’ll unhook the truck and level out the house. Then I can go look in the canyon.
State Route 67 to North Rim
What a day you had! Glad you made it safely, though a little poorer.
Just recently discovered your blog and am enjoying your posts. We lived in AZ for nine years and are missing it terribly. Love the whole state!
What a palaver! Glad the journey ended with wifi though.
Is that snow, still?
In lots of ways it is these ups and down which make us who we are so I suppose we should be grateful for them. The only thing is, does it have to cost so much?? LOL!!
At least you arriced at your destination safely and I see that now you are connected again, we can get some more great pics form you. Have a great time my friend.
I just love to ride in your truck with you, blessed as I have always been with a sort of cinematic imagination-give me the words and I’m there.
That’s a very unusual life you lead -I’ve had fantasies of living in an RV. Sounds great.
Sounds like a very eventful couple of days! But you made it. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures.
always something throws a wrench in the works…glad you were able to get things worked out ^..^ have a wonderful rest of the week…hugs and good thoughts.
Your new header picture is beautiful! Thanks for sharing your trip to the North Rim, bumps and all. Looks like there’s still a lot of snow on the ground there.
I have trouble backing up our gooseneck horse trailer, so I can sympathize on your fifth wheel difficulties.
Sorry about the mechanical problems, but glad to hear you’ve reached your destination!
Amazing Amazing photos. I live in So Calif and have NEVER been to the Grand Canyon. I especially want to see the North Rim (thanks for posting that).
mine is here
You took very nice photos of the trip. Felt like i was riding with you which made me apprehensive about that towing service. Anyway, I’m glad we errr.. you arrived safely.
Glad you made it safely. Such beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.
Great blog! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment on mine! You remind me of a lady we met on our honeymoon in ’07 at Yosemite. We went to the south rim of the canyon so guess we missed you there.
What a day,(and night?) In spite of everything, you managed to take the lovely scenic views. And yes, we have one thing in common: prepaid cell phone!
wow! such an interesting journey! love it!
That’s a good spirit! Dwelling on the positive. Have a great time in the canyon. That last pic of Hwy 67 to North Rim is so pretty.
Wow, what a wonderful trip and glad you got there safely. Have a lovely time in the canyon. I’ve added myself as a follower; I love your world and this is the first time I’ve been able to get a personal look-see. Thanks
Good luck with the hike! Stunning landscape. Please take lots of pics!!
I would be terrified to back up, too! Glad someone was there to help! I still haven’t been to the Grand Canyon, and now that we live only a few hours away, it’s on our list of places to visit!
Talk about adventure! Glad you got help and made it. And you still have some snow, I see!
Thanks for your visit!
What amazing pictures! I’m glad you finally made it there safely. It must be really great to work at the canyon. I’ve never been there. Maybe someday! Thanks for the tour and for visiting me!