Serene Ponderosa Pine Forest entering the monument
The Native people living northeast of Flagstaff must have wondered what made the ground shake under their pithouses and farming fields nearly 900 years ago during the birth of a volcano we now call Sunset Crater.
San Francisco Peaks from Lava Flow Trail
These early farmers had lived under the shadow of the volcanic San Francisco Peaks for 400 years.
Sunset Crater
Several generations later families returned to grow crops in the ash enriched soil.
Cinder Hills and Sunset Crater Volcano
While they were gone what began as molten rock spraying high into the air from a crack in the ground, solidified, and fell back to the Earth as large bombs or smaller cinders. As eruptions continued the debris accumulated around the vent and over time built the cone shaped mound seen today.
Gated lava tube
In addition to these eruptions were two large lava flows, the Kana-a and the Bonito. Partially cooled lava pushed through cracks like toothpaste from a tube, cooled and cracked into unusual shapes. Rivers of lava flowed below and eventually drained downhill to leave behind tube-like caves.
Spatter cone
As new gas vents opened, miniature volcanoes called spatter cones occurred.
Unknown flower growing out cinders
I walked the one-mile Lava Flow Trail at the volcano’s base. Sunset Crater was closed to climbing in 1973 to protect its fragile and crumbly slopes.
Ponderosa Pine
Life returns slowly to this rocky land. Ponderosa Pines spread roots far in search of water and to maintain stability against harsh winds in loose unstable soil.
About 400 year old Ponderosa Pine
I learned that Ponderosa Pines (one of my favorite trees) can grow either straight or dextrally, spiraling to the right. Although the spiral growth reduces the overall strength of a tree it increases flexibility and provides a more even distribution of water to branches and needles.
Painted Desert in the distance
From Sunset Crater, Forest Road 545 continues through the Coconino National Forest to my next stop at Wupatki National Monument.
The Native people living northeast of Flagstaff must have wondered what made the ground shake under their pithouses and farming fields nearly 900 years ago during the birth of a volcano we now call Sunset Crater.
San Francisco Peaks from Lava Flow Trail
These early farmers had lived under the shadow of the volcanic San Francisco Peaks for 400 years.
Sunset Crater
Several generations later families returned to grow crops in the ash enriched soil.
Cinder Hills and Sunset Crater Volcano
While they were gone what began as molten rock spraying high into the air from a crack in the ground, solidified, and fell back to the Earth as large bombs or smaller cinders. As eruptions continued the debris accumulated around the vent and over time built the cone shaped mound seen today.
Gated lava tube
In addition to these eruptions were two large lava flows, the Kana-a and the Bonito. Partially cooled lava pushed through cracks like toothpaste from a tube, cooled and cracked into unusual shapes. Rivers of lava flowed below and eventually drained downhill to leave behind tube-like caves.
Spatter cone
As new gas vents opened, miniature volcanoes called spatter cones occurred.
Unknown flower growing out cinders
I walked the one-mile Lava Flow Trail at the volcano’s base. Sunset Crater was closed to climbing in 1973 to protect its fragile and crumbly slopes.
Ponderosa Pine
Life returns slowly to this rocky land. Ponderosa Pines spread roots far in search of water and to maintain stability against harsh winds in loose unstable soil.
About 400 year old Ponderosa Pine
I learned that Ponderosa Pines (one of my favorite trees) can grow either straight or dextrally, spiraling to the right. Although the spiral growth reduces the overall strength of a tree it increases flexibility and provides a more even distribution of water to branches and needles.
Painted Desert in the distance
From Sunset Crater, Forest Road 545 continues through the Coconino National Forest to my next stop at Wupatki National Monument.
Great photos and interesting information. I didn’t know Arizona had an active volcano as recently as 900 years ago. Also didn’t know about the spirals in Ponderosa pines and the reason for it.
Thanks for the tour and education.
You are horrible to tease me like that with just such a tiny glimps Gaelyn, I thought you were my friend. LOL!! LOL!! I am patient, I can wait because I know it is going to be well worth it.:) At least I can see you are heading in the right direction. 🙂
Another fantastic post. The pics and info on the larva flow and volcano is extremely interesting. It is amazing that anything will grow in those cinders, but nature does not ask much of us in order to shoot out.
It is the first time I have heard of a tree spiralling like that. The more I learn about nature, the more amazing it is!!
Wow Gaelyn, thanks for this, it is brilliant. Now please scoot off and get to you know where. LOL!! I am patient but not THAT patient. LOL!!
The unknown flower looks so pretty against the dark gray cinders and the 400 yr old Ponderosa Pine is fascinating! I didn’t know about the spiral growth either. Your first photo is stunning with those pines and clouds.
It always amazes me how something so soft and delicate as a young plant knows how to work its way to the surface through such dense rock, bringing new dimensions to the land where the earth decided to be creative and wanted to sketch something brand new.
What great photos! I just went through Flagstaff for the first time and I didn’t have time to stop to see anything, but I really liked the area.
it’s all coming back to me…been there many times over the years. love that entire area…beautiful captures gaelyn…happy that you are moving along and in photo heaven there ^..^
have a good day.
Oh wow, your photos show nature in all her glory. Fantastic! Happy SWF.
I worked here too! We put up fences to keep people on ORV out of the monument, because the ground is so fragile. This was another interesting place to get to experience. It looks like you are having a great road trip! There are so many spectacular places to visit in Arizona!
Great photos and very informative description.. Never heard about Ponderosa Pines and their unique growth pattern..
I can’t get over how much there is to see out there. My folks used to visit their friends but i haven’t been there since I was a child. Great shot. You look like you are really enjoying yourself.