Gail Lynn Olmsted, born to…
Ray and June Olmsted

7 months and 7 years
My older brother said he wanted a baby sister, until he got one.
1960 – 6 years old
I was in kindergarten happily watching plants grow from seed, finger painting, and playing jacks at recess followed by a nap.
In 1960: John F Kennedy elected President. Black students staged a sit-in at a lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina to protest segregated seating at the establishment. The first studies linking cigarette smoking with heart disease were undertaken. And the first oral contraceptives became available to the public. The average income was $5,600 per year and gas cost 25 cents per gallon.
1965 – 11 years old
My family moved about 10 miles to a another all-white Chicago suburb during the middle of 5th grade. I was upset, yet made new friends rapidly. I wore the shortest mini-skirts as puberty began.
In 1965: Hypertext introduced for linking on the Internet. Conflict in Vietnam worsened while anti-war movements increased. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lead a civil rights march in Alabama from Selma to Montgomery. Mary Quant designed the Mini Skirt. The Grateful Dead with lead guitarist Jerry Garcia played their first concert, in San Francisco. The average income was $6,400 per year and gas cost 31 cents per gallon.
1970 – Sweet 16
The sweet part is debatable, just ask my parents. It was time for me to rebel, especially against anybody over 30. There was so much in the world to explore and I wanted to do it all at once.

1972 – Senior picture, 18 years old
When I graduated from high school I was asked to write what I wanted to be when I grew up. A gypsy. I moved in with my boyfriend and went to work as a Go-Go girl. Life was good.
1980 – June bride
At 26 I married a man with two children and became an instant Mom. The following year we moved to Washington and eventually settled in Tonasket for almost 10 years where I raised a family and operated a Craft Store.
In 1980: The United States boycotted the Summer Olympics in Moscow. John Lennon assassinated. Ronald Regan elected President. Mount Saint Helens erupted (I later worked there). Bill Gates licensed MS-DOS to IBM. WordPerfect 1.0 introduced. Chrysler, Ford and General Motors experienced the largest losses ever sustained by any U.S. corporations. The average income was $19,000 and gas cost $1.20 per gallon.
1992 – 38 year-old college student
After separating from my husband I decided to get serious about school so finally took the general study 101s to add to the hundreds of miscellaneous credits I’d accumulated. Graduated with a BS in Environmental Education & Mass Communication then continued my studies working as a Park Ranger.
In 1992: President Bush apologized for raising taxes after pledging not to. Windows 3.1 and Microsoft Works released. Bill Clinton elected President. DNA Fingerprinting invented. The Earth Summit held in Brazil where the US refused to sign The United Nation convention on Climate Change and Biological Diversity. Space Shuttle Endeavor’s maiden voyage successful. The average income was $30,000 and gas cost $1.05 per gallon.
2003 – Traveling gypsy
Berta and I went to lunch.
Happy Birthday to Me!
I’m still processing all this.
What a great chronicle of your life. Even as a newborn, you looked eager to take on the world. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Gaelyn, this was a wonderful post which I enjoyed tremendously, and I enjoyed all your photographs. Again, A Very Happy Birthday. I am singing the tune to you in my head.
Happy birthday. I passed the 52 horizon two weeks ago, and it is interesting how much a difference those three years makes! I wasn’t paying much attention to things in the sixties, for instance.
Happy Birthday, Gaelyn!
I enjoyed taking the tour through time. I’m 3 years older, so I remember all these events well.
Congrats Gaelyn and Happy Birthday. What a wonderful life review. I was totally intrigued. I was having a down day again and after reading your life journey, I snapped out of it. Thank you. Always changing, always evolving, and always learning. And of course the go-go girl stuck out for me. 🙂 and your desire to be a gypsy after graduation. And you are still on the go – go learning and teaching others what its like to be an explorer as your self. You are an inspiration. What an awesome blog you have!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GAELYN!! I hope you had a wonderful day! I see you are 3 years younger than me. What a lovely lot of memories you have here.
Happy Birthday! What a great post.
Happy, happy birthday! I hope lunch was fabulous! What a fun post! (I would ask to steal it, but my birthday will never be on my blog, so you’re safe from me!)
though I do not know you personally , but the pics show and reflect the vibrant person that u r 🙂
Very few people are able to cherish their life that too in the form of photographs…
Keep SMiling
Cheers 🙂
Wow!! What a cool post. I too remember all those events—so I guess that dates me but look a what good company it puts me with. Boy I didn’t know anyone knew where Tonasket was let alone live there. Tonasket way my “turn right to go to Republic”. LOL
Happy Happy—MB
Happy Birthday Gaelyn and wish you many happy returns of the day.
This is such a great post and I really enjoyed reading your short bio + history.
Happy Birthday!! I love your life review. Its like getting to know you in a whole other way. It sounds like you have had great adventures from early on. Keep ejoying the journey!
a big hug and a joyous happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for visiting my sky watch! Your grand canyon shot is amazing. One day, I hope to see it myself!
Happy Birthday! Love the history of you–great photos too.
I’m visiting your site because you mentioned the Equal Rights Amendment being passed into law. Actually, that isn’t quite what happened. Congress passed the ERA in 1972 and sent it out to the states for ratification.But because only 35 states ratified it (instead of the 38 needed for full ratification) women in this country still do not have a guarantee of legal equality. We’re still working on the Equal Rights Amendment ( So if you were ever an ERA supporter back in the day, we’d love to have you sign our petition to ratify it and help us spread the word that the ERA is NOT a part of the Constitution.
Hope you have a GRRRREEEAAAAAT B-day.
Happy Birthday and may you have many, many more adventures!
a very happy birthday gaelyn!
and, i am sure many more adventures await you in the days ahead.
have a wonderful weekend.
Happy Birthday Gaelyn! Indeed, that is a lot to process. Fascinating retrospective of your life and what was happening in history. Not surprised you knew you wanted to be a gypsy way back in high school. Great photos of you, especially the current picture. I wonder what you were looking at!
Lived in republic in the 60s. My late husband’s had family there too–still does. the Browns and Hendricks. Loved it there. We lived in a cabin by a creek backed up to the national forest. MB
Awww Gaelyn this is just SUCH a wonderful post, Happy Birthday my friend. And OMG you were a Go-Go girl, that I did not see coming! And love your wedding dress, almost medieval.
Happy birthday to you, etc., My lordy, what a life. Thank you so much for that rush though the years.
Hope you are having a great day…you look to be very happy, and I’m glad.
Happy Birthday! And, hey, I think I had that sweater in the Sweet 16 photo!
Happy birthday, feliz cumpleaños! What a terrific post and a great life. You are beautiful, thanks so much for sharing. 🙂
Happy Birthday, and thank you for sharing your life with us.
Big Birthday hug.
Happy Birthday … I hope its the absolute best yet!
Love this! Your brother looks just like you. A go-go girl? I never knew! Gypsies Rule!
Gaeyln: I do hope you have a great year as you contiue to count the years. It is always a special time.
What a great blog! Hello from Texas! And Happy Birthday! I Loved your wedding dress! I was born on ’51 and remember all these things WELL!lolol…
I missed your Birthday! Sorry…I do hope you had a wonderful day…This was a great post..and it was nice getting to know you a bit more.
Happy Happy Belated Birthday..from one gypsy to another…
may you enjoy your gypsy lifestyle for many years to come!
What a super way to post a progression of your life up until now. I loved learning more about you. Wonderful pictures!! And… happy birthday.
Belated Birthday Greetings Gaelyn!
You’re only 4 years older than I am. That chronology was fun to read….isn’t it amazing the things we’ve seen over the last 50 some years?
Happy Birthday, Gaelyn! What a wonderful post. I feel like I’ve known you all my life. I love the old photos of you. (and the more recent ones too!)
Wow, I had no idea some of those computer related inventions were so early one.
Somehow I’ve never before seen this on your site – what a great story line of your life and I was just two years behind you. 🙂
That was a fun post to put together.