Ready to leave Yarnell
I left Monday and drove to Quartzsite where my friend Ron showed me the truck camper. Haggled very little with the owner and bought it for $450. Put the four corner jacks on with Ron’s assistance then took a break because the temperature was about 90 F and there was no shade.

Ron and new camper
Got an early start Tuesday morning and easily switched the camper onto my truck. Then started the refrigerator and moved my camping supplies in. The old out of date propane tank had to be switched for a current model.

Camper has all the amenities
Wednesday morning I was ready to hit the road. Put a little water in the camper’s tank but couldn’t get the pump to prime and have to buy a new faucet. Later. I just wanted to get out in the desert. Ron decided not to join me.

Even a bathroom, if you fit
I stopped in Brenda to visit Karen and Jim of FabGrandma plus show off the camper. Then because I lacked groceries on board went to the Cactus Café for an early dinner. I had just placed my order, when in walked Karen and Jim. So we extended our visit.

Kofa Mountains south from camp
When I left there at 4pm I wanted to find a nearby place to park for the night so drove out Vicksburg Road and found a nice camp about two miles beyond pavement on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) desert.

No people about, just me and the desert. The delightful soft sounds of wind and birds interrupted only once by the distant peal of a train whistle.

Sunset over the Plomosa Mountains
After sunset I built a very small fire.

Campfire fun
And after the fire burned out I watched the stars increase to fill the darkening sky. (Tried for a photo with no luck.) As Orion the great Greek hunter ambled towards the south Ursa Major, the Great Bear, slowly crept up behind from the north.

Sunrise over the Harcuvar Mountains
After a deep and restful sleep I reassessed the budget then rethought taking a journey farther from home.

Instead, I hung out to absorb the desert morning.

LWF – Little White Flowers
Anybody know what these are? I really need a better desert guide.

Scalloped Phacelia
It was warm enough to wear a skirt and sleeveless top.

Yet as the temperature rose, I followed the road home…

Highway 89 to Yarnell
…to a cooler elevation.

Home to unpack
I’m very happy with the new camper. The queen bed is comfortable. Fridge works and the tiny freezer made ice. Stove lit and the stove-top espresso pot bought at a thrift store works well. Bathroom is small but adequate. And once I get the water system working, I can even take a Hot shower. Can’t get much better than that!Until the next road trip.
I left Monday and drove to Quartzsite where my friend Ron showed me the truck camper. Haggled very little with the owner and bought it for $450. Put the four corner jacks on with Ron’s assistance then took a break because the temperature was about 90 F and there was no shade.

Ron and new camper
Got an early start Tuesday morning and easily switched the camper onto my truck. Then started the refrigerator and moved my camping supplies in. The old out of date propane tank had to be switched for a current model.

Camper has all the amenities
Wednesday morning I was ready to hit the road. Put a little water in the camper’s tank but couldn’t get the pump to prime and have to buy a new faucet. Later. I just wanted to get out in the desert. Ron decided not to join me.

Even a bathroom, if you fit
I stopped in Brenda to visit Karen and Jim of FabGrandma plus show off the camper. Then because I lacked groceries on board went to the Cactus Café for an early dinner. I had just placed my order, when in walked Karen and Jim. So we extended our visit.

Kofa Mountains south from camp
When I left there at 4pm I wanted to find a nearby place to park for the night so drove out Vicksburg Road and found a nice camp about two miles beyond pavement on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) desert.

No people about, just me and the desert. The delightful soft sounds of wind and birds interrupted only once by the distant peal of a train whistle.

Sunset over the Plomosa Mountains
After sunset I built a very small fire.

Campfire fun
And after the fire burned out I watched the stars increase to fill the darkening sky. (Tried for a photo with no luck.) As Orion the great Greek hunter ambled towards the south Ursa Major, the Great Bear, slowly crept up behind from the north.

Sunrise over the Harcuvar Mountains
After a deep and restful sleep I reassessed the budget then rethought taking a journey farther from home.

Instead, I hung out to absorb the desert morning.

LWF – Little White Flowers
Anybody know what these are? I really need a better desert guide.

Scalloped Phacelia
It was warm enough to wear a skirt and sleeveless top.

Yet as the temperature rose, I followed the road home…

Highway 89 to Yarnell
…to a cooler elevation.

Home to unpack
I’m very happy with the new camper. The queen bed is comfortable. Fridge works and the tiny freezer made ice. Stove lit and the stove-top espresso pot bought at a thrift store works well. Bathroom is small but adequate. And once I get the water system working, I can even take a Hot shower. Can’t get much better than that!Until the next road trip.
That looks like quite the adventure. I’m glad you are happy with your new “vacation” home. 🙂
May it treat you well, and take you on many beautiful journeys!
I really love this Gaelyn. We used to have a Ford F259 with a camper like this on it but when I came back to SA I sold it and really miss it now. Seems like you had a great trip and I know you are going to be very happy with your camper. 🙂
Sorry, should be F250. 🙂
I am happy for you and your new camper. I used to do the same when visiting the desert….drive down some BLM road and find a nice place to pull over and enjoy the night sky with the warmth of a camp fire. Funny, Orion and the Big Dipper are some of my favourites to observe too as well as the seven sisters.
Is your white flower some kind of star thistle. I have a few arizona plant guides. If I find the species in it, I will post the answer then. Good Evening Gaelyn.
Try looking up Stevia Pincushion (Chaenactis stevioides) for the white un – named flower. I remember now having seen them throughout the Majove and in Arizona. Beautiful.
Ah,Gaelyn, what a lovely post. Thank you for taking us on the trip with you, I cannot imagine how blissful it must have been to feel all alone in that desert with just the sounds of the wind [and rattle of a distant snake, yikes]
It DOESN’T get much better than that!
Looks like you ended up having a great trip and taking some nice wildflower pictures. I looked up the pretty white ones before reading the comments and came up with the same species as Natural Moments. My book calls it Esteve’s Pincushion.
Looks like you got a great deal followed by an even better night in the desert. We are getting more sunshine now, but could use some of your warm temps. Today it is about 35 degrees and will go up to maybe a little over 40. But that’s OK with me. – Margy
That really does seem like an awesome deal. good on ya!
Howdee Gaelyn,
Just catching up on your blog..
How cool that you have this truck camper.
I have thought that it would be kinda fun to have a van or mini camper to pull behind our use for places that we cant get the Motorhome to…and also use it as a guest house.
Have fun…
That looks like the perfect home for a geogypsy!
How utterly cool! What a great deal you got – you’re such a good bargain hunter! I love this time of year when the desert is in bloom. Love all your photos, especially the spectacular sunset, the flowers and the one with the shadow. What fun you always have!
What a great camper–good for you Gaelyn!
I loved this post. Such a mix of the excitement of acquiring the new camper plus the lovely wild flowers in the desert. More please! I can’t believe the deal you got with a working shower (OK you HAVE to tinker with something, or it wouldn’t be right). Wonderful camping and congrats!
You did good! We are looking for a camper for our truck. The new ones are very pricey so we are looking for a good used one. Congrats!!
now your cooking!
so happy you were able to find a good deal on a camper shell.
take care.
As a truck camper person myself, congrats on your “new” camper. I hope you get lots of enjoyment out of it, and the water system working.
Wow, what a wonderful blog. Fellow wanderlust traveler still tied to a paycheck. Some day I will join your "hearty" ranks. Found this blog browsing for a camper for my ford ranger. Travel well geogypsy. Blessings from celticswede
Nice camper. Give a shout if you ever get to FL.
LOVE the new camper and thanks for the tour!
I love all those possibilities! You'll have to post what you did with that camper!
New Camper Vans
Oh WOW! I just got a big 30 foot 5th myself and new truck and was thinking of doing this same thing for short excursions. My folks had a cabover camper when I was a kid and I loved it. Thanks for confirming the idea!