Me at Cliff Palace Mesa Verde NP
After my 2005 job as a summer seasonal Park Ranger at Mesa Verde National Park I was feeling a great need for a social life with friends, yet wasn’t sure where to go. I called Darlene and accepted an invitation to Yarnell, Arizona asking her to look for a place for me to park for the winter, preferably not in an RV park. She found a piece of private property with full hookups owned by a local realtor at a great price, and right next door to Berta.

RV in Yarnell
These retired ladies sure keep busy. Seems like there was something going on every day like going to or having yard sales. Which was a great way to meet my neighbors. Plus we went sightseeing to explore the area.

Jerome, Arizona
Took a trip through Jerome, a mining town full of quaint shops that look like they should slide downhill to the stack of switchback streets below.

Tuzigoot National Monument
Built by the Sinagua (meaning without water) people around 1000AD. These people were hunters, gatherers, traders, and grew corn, beans and squash.

Montezuma Castle National Monument
This Sinagua cliff dwelling was made inaccessible to the public in 1951 for preservation, bummer. But now you can take a virtual tour by clicking here.

Red rocks of Sedona, Arizona
The geologic features around Sedona inspire many photographers, and the natural energy brings awareness, but it can be an expensive place to play.

Me & Darlene
For Halloween, Darlene and I helped with a pumpkin festival for school kids sponsored by local businesses.

School principle
Throughout the day kindergarten through middle school students arrived by bus to enjoy the cake walk (with cupcakes), apple bob, fish tank, haunted house, and gift give away.

Berta, Me, & Darlene at Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim
Berta and Darlene gave me the Grand Canyon for my birthday and I just stood in awe at the South Rim saying “I want to work here someday.”

Ed at Disney World
Ed flew me to Orlando, Florida where he lives for a couple weeks visit. We’ve been friends since high school and through several divorces. Stayed in his RV at Disney World for three days while exploring the park. Disney is so cool for all ages.

A birthday card I made for Ed, born on Valentine’s Day

Castillo de San Marcus
Also drove up to St. Augustine and toured the fort.

Inside Castillo de San Marcus
From there I flew to Texas to visit my parents.
Congress Café
When I returned home I found myself out of unemployment and low on funds so got a job waiting tables at the Congress Café for a couple months before moving back to Oregon.
After my 2005 job as a summer seasonal Park Ranger at Mesa Verde National Park I was feeling a great need for a social life with friends, yet wasn’t sure where to go. I called Darlene and accepted an invitation to Yarnell, Arizona asking her to look for a place for me to park for the winter, preferably not in an RV park. She found a piece of private property with full hookups owned by a local realtor at a great price, and right next door to Berta.

RV in Yarnell
These retired ladies sure keep busy. Seems like there was something going on every day like going to or having yard sales. Which was a great way to meet my neighbors. Plus we went sightseeing to explore the area.

Jerome, Arizona
Took a trip through Jerome, a mining town full of quaint shops that look like they should slide downhill to the stack of switchback streets below.

Tuzigoot National Monument
Built by the Sinagua (meaning without water) people around 1000AD. These people were hunters, gatherers, traders, and grew corn, beans and squash.

Montezuma Castle National Monument
This Sinagua cliff dwelling was made inaccessible to the public in 1951 for preservation, bummer. But now you can take a virtual tour by clicking here.

Red rocks of Sedona, Arizona
The geologic features around Sedona inspire many photographers, and the natural energy brings awareness, but it can be an expensive place to play.

Me & Darlene
For Halloween, Darlene and I helped with a pumpkin festival for school kids sponsored by local businesses.

School principle
Throughout the day kindergarten through middle school students arrived by bus to enjoy the cake walk (with cupcakes), apple bob, fish tank, haunted house, and gift give away.

Berta, Me, & Darlene at Grand Canyon National Park, South Rim
Berta and Darlene gave me the Grand Canyon for my birthday and I just stood in awe at the South Rim saying “I want to work here someday.”

Ed at Disney World
Ed flew me to Orlando, Florida where he lives for a couple weeks visit. We’ve been friends since high school and through several divorces. Stayed in his RV at Disney World for three days while exploring the park. Disney is so cool for all ages.

A birthday card I made for Ed, born on Valentine’s Day

Castillo de San Marcus
Also drove up to St. Augustine and toured the fort.

Inside Castillo de San Marcus
From there I flew to Texas to visit my parents.
Congress Café
When I returned home I found myself out of unemployment and low on funds so got a job waiting tables at the Congress Café for a couple months before moving back to Oregon.
Wow, so many interesting shots. Excellent for this meme. Thanks for sharing.
Fabulous shots! Reminded me of my trip many years ago Mesa Verde – one of my favorite places. Great tour! Thanks for sharing and have a great week!
That’s the way to live!
So many beautiful things to see!
Great post. Thanks for sharing.
You really get around! You seem to have such great memories too, a BIG plus. 😉
Hey girl, I really love traveling with you again. Thanks for the memories. Darl
Great post! I especially enjoyed the fort!
I agree wth Sandy It is such a wonderful lifestyle.
What an interesting life you lead. Great photos of interesting places. Must be a lot of fun to work in the National parks and get to know them intimately. I see in your profile that you like to read Nevada Barr novels. Me, too. you could be an inspiration for some of her stories.
What fun! You have the greatest friends and interesting life! I love all the variety you packed into this post. BTW, I had a pumpkin costume the same as Darlene’s when I was a kid!!!
You’ve been to some of my favorite places in the southwest, and some I’m still looking forward to seeing.
You covered a lot of the country in this post. The pictures are neat and make me want to make a trip out west.
wow! that’s a lot and i got so envious:) sounds like you’ve had a grand time travelling too:)
That is exciting, life on move! You get to see so many things. Thanks for sharing these.
You story in pictures…can’t wait for next week. You built up suspense very well! Hope things look up soon, and stay that way.
Thanks for the whirlwind tour!
Oh,this is ,among your other posts,great,wonderfullll!!!Trough your eyes I see olso world we live in,me without moving,thank you from my heart,love from Holland!Aleksandra
Lovely and interesting place where you are. Love the scenery.
An extremely interesting post Gaelyn. You have been to so many fantastic places.
As a child growing up, there were only two places I ever wanted to go, Disneyland and the Grand Canyon. During my first visit to the USA, I got to see both and was struck dumb by the beauty of the canyon and never wanted to leave.
Thanks so much for the tour! it must be wonderful to roam the world like you do!
That Grand Canyon landscape is so dramatic and the cliff dwellings are amazing!
Very cool. The Land of the Mouse is always a fun place to visit as well.
Sounds like a great time. All of these shots are great and the montezuma castle looks totally amazing.
And dont you worry about answering to all,you just send us great pics and give us the tour,stay safe and thank you once more.Or must I speak only for my self,ok,but I’ll not wait for an answer cause youre ondial-up,so take care.
Arizona is a wonderful place, too hot for my liking but then I love to visit.
Wonderful Gaelyn, you have been to many places I hope to visit. You truly live a life of adventure
I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon, or any of the other wonderful places in your post, but I sure enjoy taking these tours through your blog!
That part of AZ is so beautiful. Perfect birthday gift. And I’m dying to know if you ever worked at the Grand Canyon. (I like the North Rim better, by the way.) Disney… perfect!
What exciting life! Love your earrings above as well.
I love those great views! Nothing beats an outdoor adventure
the roaming nomadic lifestyle looks very appealing when you visit such stunning locations…
What an amazing world. Thanks for sharing.
Cockaleechie has never really been a town. Like so mny places in South Australia, it is a place on a map, probably where a train stopped, but no-one actually ever lived there. It is a farming community and anyone living within about 10 miles would say that they are from Cockaleechie. The pioneers of the area usually built the facilities for the whole community to use, but no-one ever “owned” them
You are certainly a gypsy with wanderlust in your bones!
OMIGOSH! What a fabulous way to live…so glad I have found another traveller to take me with them.
Oh this is fotunate you are! My two boys (older then younger followed)..lived in Arizona for about seven years..the younger slightly over. They are back home now. Well, even though I’m originally from S.Ca., I took my first trip to Utah while visiting them. I still have my grungy key chain I picked up in that cool little town of Jerome! I loved Sadona!! I’m glad I got to read your blog!