Yesterday afternoon when the FedEx truck arrived I was so excited. My new Verizon wireless modem had arrived. I could get pass dial-up.
Loaded the CD, obeyed the Wizard, no connection. Called tech support and tried again three times in different locations, even went outside. No connection. Just not a strong enough signal.
The techie deactivated my contract and recommended Alltel as they have more towers around my area. But when I called, they said there just isn’t a strong enough signal.
Loaded the CD, obeyed the Wizard, no connection. Called tech support and tried again three times in different locations, even went outside. No connection. Just not a strong enough signal.
The techie deactivated my contract and recommended Alltel as they have more towers around my area. But when I called, they said there just isn’t a strong enough signal.
So, I will have to accept dial-up here because I’m not willing or able to spend $1000s on a satellite. I can only apologize to friends who repeatedly get hours of busy signal. Yes, I’m online. Just send me an email. I’ll get it eventually.
By the way, I’m on Facebook. But I don’t know my way around real well, yet.
sorry to hear that did not work for you. i remember the day well when i finally said good bye to dial up…
hopefully one day soon there will be a signal in your area so you can join the ranks.
hope you are keeping warm.
take care
I’m sorry your broadband didn’t work. I guess that is one disadvantage to living out among all the beautiful scenery. But I don’t think I would trade.
Gaelyn! Go here:
Dish offers $49.99 per month for satellite internet and a one time charge of $199 for the equipment.
check it out!
I am sorry too – seems the techie shoulda’ known you wouldn’t have enough signal. What a pain!
Awww. What a bust! It’s definitely no fun getting something new and having all that excitement go downhill because it doesn’t work.
sorry that verizon didnt work..
where in Arizona are you? We have a great luck with the att card in arizona…maybe you can give it a try.
What a total bummer Gaelyn! We only have one provider where I am too and boy do you ever pay for it!
Oh what a pity!! I had the same problem when I moved and bought a signal booster. Now it works fantastic unless we are having a really bad storm.
What a let down. I hate when things ike this happen. :o(
BUMMER!!!! I fought high-speed, but was forced to get it for business reasons. Now I can’t imagine how I did dial-up. I hope it gets better one day!
I like your rock poem and am glad that you know the names of some of the rocks!
I can’t imagine living with dial up now – uploading photos must be a real drag!
I’m new to Facebook too – I’ll try to look you up!