So here’s the scenario
When I’m at the canyon on the plateau
I get DSL and am all aglow
But when in Yarnell there is no flow
Cause I’m on dial-up and it’s so slow
The speed is 52Kbps or below
When it drops to 7 I feel the deathblow
I prewrite my posts and get them ready to go
Push the button to make it show
Then I wait and watch my fingernails grow
Maybe I should take up playing the banjo
Only 15 more minutes to go
No way I dare to add video
How much must I undergo
So now I’ve lost patience, bravissimo
I figured it out and I have the dough
So bought a wireless modem with the click of an arrow
And come Tuesday should be the end of my woe
Of dealing with dial-up, which is slower than slow
I started this blog three hours ago
I signed up with Verizon for a free 5gb USB727 wireless modem, free activation & shipping for $59.99/mo. And when their service is unavailable—at Grand Canyon North Rim—the service goes on vacation and is added to the end of the 2-year contract. I sure hope this works while at my winter home and traveling.
When I’m at the canyon on the plateau
I get DSL and am all aglow
But when in Yarnell there is no flow
Cause I’m on dial-up and it’s so slow
The speed is 52Kbps or below
When it drops to 7 I feel the deathblow
I prewrite my posts and get them ready to go
Push the button to make it show
Then I wait and watch my fingernails grow
Maybe I should take up playing the banjo
Only 15 more minutes to go
No way I dare to add video
How much must I undergo
So now I’ve lost patience, bravissimo
I figured it out and I have the dough
So bought a wireless modem with the click of an arrow
And come Tuesday should be the end of my woe
Of dealing with dial-up, which is slower than slow
I started this blog three hours ago
I signed up with Verizon for a free 5gb USB727 wireless modem, free activation & shipping for $59.99/mo. And when their service is unavailable—at Grand Canyon North Rim—the service goes on vacation and is added to the end of the 2-year contract. I sure hope this works while at my winter home and traveling.
So, You got offered a job at the North Rim. Very Nice. How long will it last for?
With your Verizon package, how many minutes do you get a month for internet or do you get so many kbytes downloaded?
P.S. I love the poem. I like the description of your having to watch your finger nails grow. 🙂
I have had the Att broadband card for several years now and Love it…
i know how it is to be on the road with slow dial up type service…I am surprised u can even do your blog with such slow speeds..
you will love it..
So are you off to work at the GC?? Good luck with this new service, sounds like a good deal. Your desktop os lovely, hope you’re doing okay without your buddy, I often think of you.
I hope your new service is as good as your poetry!
Congrats Gaelyn. I have found the wireless connection to be great since I started using mine.
I hope you are going to take me with to the N Rim. I loved it there. 🙂
Good peom too. I have never tried something like that as I cannot sling two words together. LOL!!
Do love your poetry! I hope the service works well for you, I know how frustrating it can be, even if I can’t put it as well as you do!
I have the Verizon 727 USb wireless card. I got mine in Flagstaff in October. They told me I can put it on vacation when I am at the North Rim because they know they don’t provide service there.
If you get a wireless signal in Yarnell, it will be great! I love mine.
Great poem! an ode to dialup.
Hi Gaelyn, I have awarded you the Lemonade award for your blog because it shows an attitude of gratitude, uplifting and has good content. Pick it up at:
You are not alone! I’ve been living on wheels for the past 20 years and wouldn’t change a thing. I sell at flea markets full time and make a wonderful income, all in cash. (To learn more, go here: )
Those who live in boxes on foundations can only wonder how nice our lifestyles are. (They are VERY nice!)
Take care.
Good luck with the new set-up. Man, I do not miss those slow uploads.
Your verse made me smile! Very clever.
Loved your poem! I can’t imagine being on dial-up and blogging and uploading photos – what a pain!