Following a wonderful snowbird winter exploring the southwest my gypsy life lead me back to Washington.
My selling/camping space, Carson, Washington flea market
I had to get rid of some stored “stuff” that would not fit in my wheelestate. But I had no yard for a yard sale so went to the local flea market to sell. After only one weekend I was hooked and bought more stuff to sell. A fun way to recycle, shop, and maybe make a buck.
Fisherman Dale
Then I met a man—an old pattern—who had been selling on the flea market circuit for many years and we traveled together, southwest for the winter and back to the northwest for the summer, selling our wares along the way. An interesting way to try and make a living.
Carson at 2 months
This is also when Carson dog came into my life and was with me for 12 years, although the man was not.Yet we spent the winter flea marketing in the Southwest before returning to Washington.
look at how cute carson was as a pup ^..^
enjoy your posts.
have a great week.
That cactus is unbelievable. Can see why it took somebody standing next to it to show the size.
I love it, I just posted a similiar cactus photo to my blog today. And Carson was so cute as a puppy.
Interesting post. I am sure you have stories enough for a lifetime with that kind of traveling.
I love to take pictures of cactus like that. Interesting coloring of your dog.
Gaelyn: What an interesting look into your world.
Carson is too cute!!! But then I am soooo partial to young animals… 🙂
What an interesting and different life you lead. Good on ya!
Interesting. What type of dog is Carson?
Excellent shots! I am yet to see a cactus like that in real.
Hi Gaelyn,
Thanks for your comment on My World. Sorry I am late getting back to you.
Your life style sounds amazing. I think once my kids fly the coop, wheelestate sounds like a great idea!!!!
Glad you werent outside when those pigs walked by!