When you write a post does it take you forever, doing research, editing maybe several times, choosing images and possibly processing them? Or are you the just whip it out type, picking your favorite photos to go along with some quick and witty text?  Or no photos?

It takes me hours to put together what I deem a good post. Actually days, and occasionally weeks on many occasions. I have way more ideas than time. Plus I’m a perfectionist and was taught way back when in college journalism to “write, re-write and rewrite.”

Then there’s the distraction of a notification on Facebook, or new email. (I love to get mail, do you?) Plus a constantly growing number of blogs to read and comment on.

Picking way more photos than needed out of the hundreds taken and then have to whittle them out so I don’t crash with an overload. Plus processing which I do with more than one software program, and all I have is freebies.

I create posts first on LiveWriter, another freebie, which I’ve learned and liked over the last almost five years of blogging. I definitely prefer loading images in this over straight to WordPress which is where I send my draft for final formatting and SEO before I publish.

Well no wonder I’m not posting every day. Yet I used to, and know many bloggers that do. How do you make time to get out a post and how long does it take you?