Berta and I were getting ready to go to Prescott today to shop at the fleamarket, Costco and maybe a yard sale or two along the way. In fact we spent over an hour at the first yard sale and had to repack the car twice and then leave a small table behind that just wouldn’t fit. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

As we were getting ready to leave we both heard a very loud, distinctive and repeated MEOW. Now Berta has a beautiful all white at least 10 year old cat named Mama that only spends a little time outside and never when Berta’s away from home. Actually Mama spends most of her time sleeping on one of three heating pads or lounging in the sun on a window sill. So Berta followed the MEOW to make sure Mama got back in the house. Only it wasn’t Mama.

This tame little kitty couldn’t be more than two months old and still tries to suckle. However it knew what cat food was and when Berta put food down it was scarfed right up. Also found a convenient cat pan and jumped right in to do its duty.

Well we left it outside with food and water and after our shopping spree came home to hear it again, MEOW. Sure enough it had figured out how to get into the garage. It really has to be someone’s pet as it’s so affectionate. Also very vocal with a diesel purr.

Sleeping on my lap
So tomorrow we’ll check around the neighborhood and post a sign at the post office to try to reunite this adorable bundle of fur with its human slave. But in the meantime I have a visitor. Note, again, I said Visitor.

What do think of “Latte”?